Watch party!

 My group has officially completed our short film!!! I could not be happier. Everything looks good to me. The quality is clear. The music is audible, but not overpowering. The scenes flow smoothly. The script and acting worked out. The little girl did an awesome job! All of these things together add up for a pretty great film. When Addie sent the final product, I was shocked by how good it was! Sometimes when you are in the midst of filming something, you don’t see how it really looks until the end. I couldn’t tell how nicely it would pull together, but I was pleasantly surprised. After we had all watched and congratulated ourselves, we figured we should have a watch together. We worked very long and hard on this film together. It would only be right if we watched it together too. So, we all made the trip back to Addie’s place again. Mila and I carpooled, and as I drove her I discovered that she felt the same way that I did. She was surprised by how good the final product was! However, maybe surprised isn’t the right word. I knew it would be good, but I supposed we were both equally impressed by its surpassing of our expectations. While we watched, we would make little comments about how, “____ scene flows really nicely into ___ scene!”, or “this music is perfect for this part”. It was fun to see all of our faces as we saw our product in its full glory. I am happy we had the watch party, and from now one, in any similar projects I will certainly do the same thing. 
