
 My group has finished filming all the scenes we are in. Which means, now it is time to edit. Addison suggested that she do the bulk of the editing. I was curious as to why, so I asked. Apparently, she has experience editing previously. And not just minor experience. She said she edited together a music video for a friend who paid her money for it. I was impressed! So, Addie edited together the bulk of the film. When she sent the first draft, it seemed to be very blurry. I thought maybe it was a problem with my phone. So, I asked Mila and Dara if they too were having problems. They said they were as well. So, I researched some ways to make the video not blurry. I found some helpful information. I told Addie to download it as a file. Once she had done that, I suggested she send it again and see if it was fixed. Fortunately, it was then all good! I was glad that we could find a way to make the quality better. I would be so disappointed if our hard work went to waste because it was too hard to see. We have finished this first step now of compiling all the videos and making them flow, now onto the rest. 


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