Time to edit

 We had all the pieces of our music video. Now, we just had to put them together. Mila and Nicole were our main editors for this project. When we were all together, Nicole and I would press play on the music and the video at the same time to see if they would sync. It was a painfully slow process. Adjusting the music by just one millisecond doesn’t seem like a huge change, but I guarantee you it is. We would add in longer transitions to get the timing right. I would chime in occasionally to point out that we needed to add more music to a certain point. One of the main challenges with the editing was editing the music. Our song has a part in the middle where there is music that doesn’t fit our video. Also, it has a bit of profanity there. We had to cut that part out of the music and skip to the part we keep. This seems simple enough, right? Well I figured we had to keep the transition from one part of the music to the next clean. I wanted it to seem like there was no cut. There were places in the music where we could do that, but it would mess up the timing. Eventually Nicole, after working very hard, got it to work. Mila compiled all of the video clips together and added transitions and filters that fit. We put them together and we have one heck of a music video! This editing process was lengthy and a bit difficult, but definitely worth it. 


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