
Showing posts from February, 2023

music time!

 My group has decided that it's time to start looking for music. There are a few times during our film that require music. We were planning on using thrilling, suspenseful music for those times. This is still the plan now. We decided that we would all look for music on our own. Then, we would discuss which selection was the best fit for our film. There is a slight obstacle, though. I can't just use any music. With a lot of available music, it is required to get permission to use before just using it. That is one option. The other is to use royalty free music that we find on a website that allows the use of this royalty free music. This might be a better option, but for now I am going to try to get the rights to use other music. Today, I emailed the production and copyright team of music icon Donald Glover (AKA Childish Gambino). I would like to be able to use his popular song Me and Your Mama in some of our scenes. This is for multiple reasons: not only does this song have sor...

Change of plans...

My group was supposed to have the majority of filming completed by this date. However, we keep having to reschedule. This is due to a multitude of reasons. Initially, we just all had plans that conflicted with the times. I had a family dinner on one of the days, and the rest of my group members also had things to do. More recently, I suggested we film during the week because everyone seems to be busy on the weekends. However, this ended up not working out either. Dara and I both play on our school's soccer team, and practices are after school during the week. Our team has gotten very far this season. This means that the season's games have extended into the spring, which is longer than I anticipated. We continued having practice because of this. This meant that filming after school during the week was impossible, so we had to push back filming even further. Unfortunately, or fortunately from a filming perspective, the girls soccer team lost in the regional semifinal game. While...


  Slide 1: The first five seconds will show clouds going down with "...Presents" and "...Production Company."  Slide 2: The next scene is a tracking shot of a very vibrant neighborhood with the actors' names.  Slide 3: The camera gets closer to a house and shows the film's name. Slide 4: The camera goes into the house slowly. Slide 5: The camera continues throughout the house that looks very put together. Slide 6: The kitchen is a little messy-looking and says "The Music by..." Slide 7: Two girls are shown talking muted as the "Directed by.." is displayed. They are stiff.   Slide 8: Sara grabs a chair and sits as she says her first line stiffly. Slide 9: This is a close-up shot of Lynn and she says her first line very smiley. She has a lot of makeup on.  Slide 10: The camera turns to Sara as she says her next line wearing a lot of makeup. Slide 11: The camera watches closely as Sara gets out of her chair stiffly and asks Lynn if she wants...